Hi There! I´m newer user in stack overflow and my english i´snt so good i hope you understand my trouble.
when I´m compiling my template this archives .cs it´s ok (Context, Structs), but in the ActiveRecord the code comes incomplete.
It seems that the system Break de compilation at line 5017 and not return any exceptions to me.
my code stops here:
public static PagedList<Veiculoopcional>
GetPaged(int pageIndex, int pageSize) { return GetRepo().GetPaged(pageIndex, pageSize);
} public string KeyName() { return "
i guess this probably a limit of transmition or problem with my table "VeiculoOpcional".. i don´t know.
Any way this the strcture of the table:
CREATE TABLE `veiculoopcional` (
`ID_Veiculo` int(11) NOT NULL,
`ID_Opcional` int(4) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`ID_Veiculo`,`ID_Opcional`),
KEY `FK_veiculoopcional_Opcional` (`ID_Opcional`),
CONSTRAINT `FK_veiculoopcional_Opcional` FOREIGN KEY (`ID_Opcional`) REFERENCES `opcional` (`ID_Opcional`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
CONSTRAINT `FK_veiculoopcional_Veiculo` FOREIGN KEY (`ID_Veiculo`) REFERENCES `veiculo` (`ID_Veiculo`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci
Anybody had or passed by this same problem ? i don´t found any refference in net
Many Thanks.