



I have a certain class in VB in my App_Code folder, I can't deploy it directly to the website because I have no permission to the FTP, and I was asked to change a certain class and send it so someone would replace it in the FTP folder.

What happens is: there is no App_Code folder in the FTP folder. and the class generates NO DLL to be sent and replace it in the bin folder (which exists).

Aditionally: The website deploys and runs normally in the localhost (and i can see it in the browser), but there is no data from the website in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot. nor anywhere else, where are de website files ?

Which file, or how could I send this class to be replaced in the running website?


Ask someone to create an App_Code folder using FTP.

Does that have to be a virtual folder created through IIS, or could some questions: it simply be created through the FTP ? and if the class is currently working in there, wouldn't there be any conflicts ? Is the recognition of the existance of App_Code made through the name or should I address it somewhere else ?
The `App_Code` folder is an ordinary folder in the application root. ASP.Net will see it automatically.
And then I put the class.vb file inside the App_Code, and it's good to go ?
It should be. Try it.

You are going to be in trouble if you don't deploy this correctly.

First question: Is this a Web Application Project? I don't see how it could be if you don't have a DLL.

Therefore, we'll assume it's a Web Site project. In that case, you should just drop the new code-behind file (or the aspx if it's inline) over the existing one. (I shouldn't have to tell you to make a backup first)

If you drop a code file in App_Code and it duplicates a class already built in another place, you're in for trouble. Do not do this.
