Old server db = MySQL v4.0.21 New server db = MySQL v5.0.45
I am moving an app to a new server, and I copied over the database.
The app sends an agenda for the day and whenever there are double & single quotes " ', they show up as question marks ?
Comes up like this on the server it was moved to ?The Horror of Race: HBO?s True Blood?
This is what it looks like on the original server app was built on: “The Horror of Race: HBO’s True Blood”
Screenshot of database w/i phpmyadmin http://grab.by/2EsU (original server mysql v4.0.21) and http://grab.by/2EtN (new server mysql 5.0.45)
Screenshot of table the data is stored within: http://grab.by/2Et2 (it only happens w/i the body column)
Screenshot of data within new server table: http://grab.by/2Etb (you'll notice the question marks ?)
Screenshot of data within original server table: http://grab.by/2Etl
The app is built w/ PHP, and it prints the body like nl2br($body);
The string is stored w/i the $body variable before being inserted into the db table, like this: $body=addslashes($_POST['body']);
Any help as to why it is displaying the ? marks in the place of double and single quotes, would be helpful - much appreciated.