




When I execute the following code in a php script. The result set is always empty. However, when I execute the same query in mysql console or in phpmyadmin,it rightfully shows 18 rows in the resultset. What could be going wrong here.

$result_set = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE 1 ", $this->database_handle);


-- the output is

resource(42) of type (mysql link)
resource(48) of type (mysql result) 
int(0) bool(false) 

However, when I try and insert data into this table, insertion is flawless.

As suggested in some of the previous responses I have already tried multiple combinations like

$result_set = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE 1=1 ", $this->database_handle);
$result_set = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories", $this->database_handle);
$result_set = mysql_query("select category_id, name from `categories` where `name` like 'cat-1'", $this->database_handle);
$result_set = mysql_query("SELECT category_id,name FROM categories WHERE 1 ", $this->database_handle);


structure of table

Field            Type           Null    Default Comments
category_id  int(11)    No       
name             varchar(255)   No               

Any help is much appreciated.


Change your query to

"SELECT * FROM categories WHERE 1=1 "
Or better yet, `SELECT * FROM categories`
Doug Neiner
Hi!I have tried all these queries already and they simply dont work. Infact when i use select count (*) from categories, the resultset has 1 row with value 0.When I execute the same query on the mysql command prompt,it gives me the correct result :(


The problem was because of a '\n'in the query string which I was putting in because I wanted to use the same string both for query as well as dumping it onto the screen.

It started working fine as soon as i removed the \n character from the string.

Funny part though, was php mysql library behaved really weirdly in this case. There was no warning or error.

Regards Nitin