Hi there,
I again need help by you, this time I struggle with covariance, contravariance, delegates and an simple idea blowing up...
I want to implement an attribute for our businessobject-properties that takes a delegate and the needed parameters for that one, so that I can work with reflection, read out the attribute and perform a validation on the property value.
The reason behind this is, we are using Windows.Forms with DataBinding and need to set the DataBinding update method to OnPropertyChanged, to get a properly working refresh on the GUI. We do need however a way to react in the validating-events of the controls to validate the property correctly, to see if the user can actually e.g. save the object. But the Validating-Event of the control occurs only after writing the value to the property. Having a validation in the setter of the property would cause a crash and we could not provide the user exact information what is wrong unless we implement the validation a second time (or extract it to a method called from the setter).
To keep this most elegant and clean, I thought one of the following would be nice to have:
[PropertyValidator(ValidationHelper.ValidateString, new StringValidatorArgs(true, 3, 15))]
That way I could iterate via reflection over all properties, perform all validations we want them to and set a PropertyValidator-Attribute for with the correct Method. But I played with the idea a bit and do not get this anyway to work, here is what I have, might be you have an idea about how to achive this.
public delegate bool Validator(object validatee, ValidatorArgs v);
public class ValidatorArgs
public class StringValidatorArgs : ValidatorArgs
public StringValidatorArgs(bool nullCheck, int minLength, int maxLength)
this.NullCheck = nullCheck;
this.MinLength = minLength;
this.MaxLength = maxLength;
public bool NullCheck { get; set; }
public int MinLength { get; set; }
public int MaxLength { get; set; }
public class MyClass
[PropertyValidator(ValidationHelper.ValidateString, new StringValidatorArgs(true, 3, 15))]
public string MyString { get; set; }
public static class ValidationHelper
public static bool ValidateString(object validatee, StringValidatorArgs v)
return true;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class PropertyValidatorAttribute
: Attribute
#region Constructor
private PropertyValidatorAttribute()
public PropertyValidatorAttribute(Validator validator, ValidatorArgs args)
this.Validator = validator;
this.Args = args;
#region Properties
public Validator Validator
private set;
public ValidatorArgs Args
private set;
Any hints welcome...