



What are the best resources on Design Patterns catering specifically to web development with JavaScript and JQuery?

I'm particularly interested in information on programming my own libraries, reusable components, widgets, etc. and the merits of various techniques (for instance in the case of components/widgets comparing those employed in jQuery UI vs. rolling your own).

I'm also curious about the intricacies of JavaScript as a programming language, and the finer points of object-based programming with JavaScript.

Big fan of Douglas Crockford and the Yahoo video series. Looking for additional examples.

+2  A: 

One very instructional thing you might do is read over the jQuery source code. It's a treasure-trove of interesting and efficient coding techniques. You might then broaden your horizons by reading over the source for Prototype or some other library.

The nice thing about reading good code and trying to understand it is that it's really real; it is the good code, so you bypass a layer of rhetoric.

That's a great tip. I've skimmed over some of it now and again, but I should devote more time to really diving into it. I wonder if there are any online code reviews on the jQuery source (or other libraries) that explain some of their programming methods/decisions.

This guy has some really good stuff as far as the "intricacies of JavaScript as a programming language" part of your question is concerned:



The comp.lang.javascript group on Usenet is an excellent resource: pretty much everything related to browser scripting has been discussed there and is available in the archive, and some of the regulars, while not always the most polite, are incredibly knowledgeable.

Tim Down