Group, This is hard to explain, but I am building a matrix report in SSRS. My row includes a product code, my columns are months (previous 13) and my values are units sold for the corresponding product/month. I found some custome code that would let me change my subtotal to Avg However, for some products there might not be any units sold for a month so the cell is blank.
What is happening is say for product code X I sold 10 units in March 2009 and 1 unit in January 2010 for a total of 11. Instead of taking 11(units sold) / 13(months) it is taking 11 / 2 because it is only registering 2 months bbecause there aren't any values in the other 11 months because there were no units sold.
I tried formatting the field using CInt which placed zeros in the empty cells, but it still only includes cells that have a number > 0 as the divider... For products that have a sale in all 13 month the avg caluclates just fine.
I am not sure how I can tell it to take the total and divide it by 13(months) even if there are no values for a particular month.
Any help is greatly appreciate.