I'm working on a little project at the moment, the Report expects an int but the ReportParameter class only lets me have a value that's a string or a string[]
How can I pass an int?
I'm working on a little project at the moment, the Report expects an int but the ReportParameter class only lets me have a value that's a string or a string[]
How can I pass an int?
You can call the method GetReportParameters() which will return a ReportParameter[] array. If you iterate through each parameter and look at it's Type property it will indicate if it is an int. The Type property is an enum of type ParameterTypeEnum and would be ParameterTypeEnum.Integer for an int.
I would try:
var rp = new ReportParameter("IntValue", intValue.ToString());
report.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[]{rp});
Still no answer to this one, ended up casting in the underlying stored procs.