Hi all.
We all know that you can access a property of a javascript object by it's name using the [] syntax.. e.g. ob['nameOfProperty'].
Can you do the same for a local variable? Another answer here suggested the answer is to use window['nameOfVar']. However, this only worked for the poster as he was defining variables at window-level scope.
I assume that this must be possible in general, as Firefox's Firebug (which I believe is written in javascript) can show local and closure variables. Is there some hidden language feature I'm not aware of?
Specifically, here's what I want to do:
var i = 4;
console.log(window['i']); // this works..
function Func(){
var j = 99;
// try to output the value of j from its name as a string
console.log(window['j']); // unsurprisingly, this doesn't work