I have a list of hyperlinks that are displayed through an ItemsControl, something like this:
<ItemsControl x:Name="SubMenu" Visibility="Collapsed">
<HyperlinkButton Content="{Binding Name}"
NavigateUri="{Binding Url}"
Style="{StaticResource LinkStyle}"
<StackPanel Style="{StaticResource LinksStackPanelStyle}"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" />
what I need to do is enumerate the actual hyperlinks in the submenu, something like this:
foreach (UIElement child in SubMenu.Items) // this does not work!
HyperlinkButton hb = child as HyperlinkButton;
if (hb != null && hb.NavigateUri != null)
if (hb.NavigateUri.ToString().Equals(e.Uri.ToString()))
VisualStateManager.GoToState(hb, "ActiveLink", true);
VisualStateManager.GoToState(hb, "InactiveLink", true);
The problem is that I can´t seem to find a way to enumerate the actual UI elements in the ItemsCollection.Items.
Anyone know how to do this or a possible workaround?
I can mention that what I´m trying to do is build a menu and submenu that display the hyperlinks clicked as a sort of breadcrumb.
UPDATE: The best thing would be if I could get to that stackpanel somehow because this code seems to work:
foreach (UIElement child in LinksStackPanel.Children)
HyperlinkButton hb = child as HyperlinkButton;
if (hb != null && hb.NavigateUri != null)
if (hb.NavigateUri.ToString().Equals(e.Uri.ToString()))
VisualStateManager.GoToState(hb, "ActiveLink", true);
VisualStateManager.GoToState(hb, "InactiveLink", true);