I've recently jumped into the XNA pool, and am learning all the ins and outs of the framework in C#. One thing I've noticed in my research is that there seems to be no widely accepted "proper" way to implement GameComponents.
After reading this thread (among others), I've discovered a broad spectrum of preferences among game developers. I've seen some advocate never using GameComponents at all (or only sparingly), while others claim to use them for everything, right down to the player/enemy units, missiles, etc. Then there are some that take a more moderate approach, and reserve the GameComponent architecture for mid- to high-level entities such as screens, renderers, scenes, etc. that in turn contain and drive their more granular game units.
At the end of the day, it's up to the game developer to determine how best to implement the framework. Since StackOverflow is packed with savvy developers who have forgotten more than I'll ever know, I'd like to get a feel for what the consensus is here before I continue further down this path with my own use of the framework.
Anyone care to chime in with their thoughts? Thanks in advance!