Basically each entity would have a collection of feeding behaviors that it would follow. For some reason the model I came up with does not feel right. I think the most troubling part is that using singletons made sense.
Is there a better way?
public bool IsEntityEdible(Entity target)
foreach (var feedingBehavior in FeedingBehaviors)
if (feedingBehavior.WouldEat(target))
return true;
return false;
public abstract class FeedingBehavior
public abstract bool WouldEat(Entity entity);
public sealed class Myrmecophagy : FeedingBehavior
public readonly static Myrmecophagy Instance = new Myrmecophagy();
private Myrmecophagy() { }
public override bool WouldEat(Entity entity)
return entity is Ant || entity is Termite;