I have an MFC application. It is basically just copying files from one drive to another. When I'm copying large files (more than 1 Gb) and I click on my window, my application freezes, but the copying proceeds in the background. Someone told me that I have to use a worker thread. I used it, but it still freezes. When I'm copying small files then it is OK. I can't figure out what could be the problem. Please someone help!
Here's my code:
void CGetFileListDlg::OnBnClickedButtonGetFileList()
//here i'm doing file list comparing
AfxBeginThread( CopyThread, &Tstruct ); //here i call my thread and give a struct to it as a paramter, which contains, which file i have to copy
UINT CopyThread( LPVOID pParam )
UINT uiMaxPass = 3;
UINT uiPAssCount = 0;
int i = 0;
threadstruct *Test = (threadstruct*)(pParam);
CGetFileListDlg* ptr = (CGetFileListDlg*)Test->ez ;
struct address
char *from;
char *to;
int current;
struct address Address;
for ( i = 0; i < Test->diff; i++ )
TCHAR currentfile[512], file[MAX_PATH +32], successf[10], unsuccessf[10], buf[20], remainingf[20], oprog[10];
char tmp[1024], tmp2[1024],dest[1024];
int j,k,l;
char ch;
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );
memset( dest, 0, sizeof( dest ) );
memset( tmp2, 0, sizeof( tmp2 ) );
memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
memset( currentfile, 0, sizeof( currentfile ) );
memset( file, 0, sizeof( file ) );
memset( successf, 0, sizeof( successf ) );
memset( unsuccessf, 0, sizeof( unsuccessf ) );
memset( remainingf, 0, sizeof( remainingf ) );
memset( oprog, 0, sizeof( oprog ) );
ch = NULL;
strcat( dest, SecondaryHDD );
l = 1;
for ( k = strlen( SecondaryHDD ); k < strlen( Test->difference[i].filename ); k++ )
dest[k] = Test->difference[i].filename[ l + strlen( SecondaryHDD ) - 1 ];
for ( j = strlen( Test->difference[i].filename); ch != '\\'; j-- )
ch = Test->difference[i].filename[j];
l = 0;
for ( k = 3; k < j + 1; k++ )
tmp2[l] = Test->difference[i].filename[k];
strcpy( tmp, SecondaryHDD );
strcat( tmp, tmp2);
SHCreateDirectoryExA( NULL, tmp, NULL );
memset( file, 0, sizeof( file ) );
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );
strcpy(tmp, Test->difference[i].filename );
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, NULL, tmp, -1, file, strlen( Test->difference[i].filename ) );
wsprintf( currentfile, _T("%s"), file );
ptr->m_edCurrentCopy.SetWindowText( currentfile );
Address.from = strdup(tmp);
Address.to = strdup(dest);
Address.current = i;
PostMessage( (HWND)Test->hWnd , WMU_PROGRESS, (WPARAM)&Address, (LPARAM)&dest ); //calling OnProgressMsg function, which does the copy
PostMessage( (HWND)Test->hWnd, WMU_COPYDONE, uiPAssCount, 0 );
return 0;
LRESULT CGetFileListDlg::OnProgressMsg( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
TCHAR currentfile[512], file[MAX_PATH +32], successf[10], unsuccessf[10], buf[20], remainingf[20], oprog[10];
char tmp[1024], tmp2[1024],dest[1024];
int j,k,l;
char ch;
struct address
char *from;
char *to;
int current;
address *Address = (address*)wParam;
//char *to = (char*)lParam;
//char *from = (char*)wParam;
int ret = 0;
ret = CopyFileA( Address->from, Address->to, false );
//ret = CopyFileExA( Address->from, Address->to, &MyCopyProgressRoutine, this, FALSE,FALSE);
if ( ret == 0 ) //failed
wsprintf( buf, _T("Failed ( %d )"), GetLastError() );
m_difference.SetItemText(Address->current, 2, buf);
wsprintf( unsuccessf, _T("%d"), unsuccess, GetLastError() );
m_unsuccess.SetWindowText( unsuccessf );
m_difference.SetItemText(Address->current, 2, L"OK!");
wsprintf( successf, _T("%d"), success );
m_success.SetWindowText( successf );
wsprintf( remainingf, _T("%d"), ( diff - ( success + unsuccess ) ) );
m_remaining.SetWindowText( remainingf );
wsprintf( oprog, _T("%d %%"), ( (success + unsuccess ) *100 )/diff );
m_overallprog.SetWindowText( oprog );
return 0;