Looking for a component or easy way to have a grid with 1 column strings and the other combobox.
its not free, but TProfGrid from www.profgrid.com is incredible. it has support for combobox (among other things) in grid cells.
Don Dickinson
2010-02-26 02:24:19
In fact, any TControl descendant. Only problem I have had with it is major interface changes between versions. Also has export to Excel and word (via OLE) and support for merged cells.
2010-02-26 06:09:35
if you can spend a few dollars you can check the TMS Grid Pack
Otherwise check the kgrid component, wich is part of KControls , is freeware.
Also you can check the grid section of Torry Delphi Pages
2010-02-26 03:50:48
You can also VirtualStringTree, which is a very powerful component that can do both checklist grids along with the ability to assign any editor (even a combobox) to a specific column cell.
2010-02-26 06:57:28
+1 Works fine. Didn't get the checkbox to work as nicely as the combobox though. Based on a tab of the "advanced" demo
Marco van de Voort
2010-02-26 13:37:00
2010-02-26 13:38:41