I have bind Fname and ID to my checkedListBox. I see in the checkedListBox only the Frame. I want to pick some items in the checkedListBox (some Frame).
When I press the button - I want to see the list that I picked (the list of ID that I pick).
I was filling checkedListBox like this:
SQL = "select distinct TrapName,substr(TrapNum,1,4) from TrapTbl order by substr(TrapNum,1,4) ";
adp = new OracleDataAdapter(SQL, Conn);
dsView = new DataSet();
adp.Fill(dsView, "TrapTbl");
this.ListAtar.DataSource = dsView.Tables[0];
this.ListAtar.DisplayMember = dsView.Tables[0].Columns[0].ColumnName;
this.ListAtar.ValueMember = dsView.Tables[0].Columns[1].ColumnName;
My question is, when I pick some items from the checkedListBox and press a button - how do I get a list of the ID - the ValueMember??