Does anyone know if there is a debug visualiser for this yet along the same lines and the linq to SQL debug visualiser?
There isn't one that I'm aware of at the moment (hope to be shown otherwise by other answers here), but Julie Lerman has a post "An extension method for visualizing ObjectStateEntries" where she walks through creating a debug tool that pops up a WinForm for inspecting the state of entities via their EntityKey.
Not quite a visualizer, but seriously handy when you need to tease apart ObjectStateEntries to debug change tracking scenarios.
Chris Bowen
2008-11-01 19:39:18
Here is a link to a visualizer that does what you are looking for I think - Visualizer
2009-09-24 20:00:13
Hi, There is one. You may find at
Thanks RV
2009-09-30 07:44:32