



Hi: I'm struggling with a rails query. Finally, I want to make a JSON response with the following contents: A listing of all countries which have at least one company, associated through "Address" and a count of how of how many companies reside in a country. Here is my simple model structure:

class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
     has_many :addresses

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
     belongs_to :country
     belongs_to :company

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
     has_one :address

What's the most elegant way to solve this with Rails?

+1  A: 

You need to overload the to_json method :

class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
     has_many :addresses
     def to_json
         # format your country as json with all the elements you need

Then in your controller do something like that:

countries = Country.find(:all).select{|c| c.companies.size > 0 }
json = countries.collect{|c| c.to_json }

You'll have to use has_many throught to get the companies from a country. Documentation here:

Sorry I don't have time for a more precise solution, but hopefully these pointers will help you. If you have specific problems, feel free to either comment or open a new question.

Thanks! Your solution brought me back on track!In "class Country < ActiveRecord::Base" I now have: def to_json hash = { "Country Name" =>, "Amount Companies" => self.companies.size } hash.to_json endThat seems to work.
you should not use c.companies.size if you just want the count, since it will load all of the records (which is quite wasteful). Use c.companies.count instead.
+1  A: 

You might want to add a counter cache to Address

belongs_to :country, :counter_cache => :companies_count

It stores the number of companies in the country model, which saves you from the N+1 query issue.

Alternatively you could avoid it also by issuing a single query like this:

Country.find(:all, :select => 'countries.*, count( as companies_count', :joins => 'LEFT JOIN addresses ON addresses.country_id =', :group => '')

This way all of the returned countries will have field companies_count containing the number of companies for that country.

Thanks for your hints! #1: I added ":counter_cache => :companies_count" as well as the column named "companies_count" to Address, but I still have n+1 SQL queries. How do I get the counter cache to work finally? #2: By issuing the single SQL query I get all countries, even those with no company. When i append ":conditions => 'companies_count > 0'" I get no results. Is there a way to add this restriction to the query, or do I have to go through the array in Ruby?
The column named companies_count should go into Country model (countries table). You also need to remember that it will set it's initial value by itself. You need something like Company.update_all('companies_count = (SELECT count(*) FROM addresses WHERE country_id =') to set the correct initial values. After that you should be able to query Countries like you wanted to.
I changed "Company.update_all..." to "Country.update_all...". Also I had to change "countries = Country.find(:all).select{|c| c.companies.count > 0 }" to "countries = Country.find(:all).select{|c| c.companies_count > 0 }". I thought rails would do some magic with the "count" method, but it seems, that I have to call the read only attribute "companies_count" explicitely.
I'm guessing that Country.all(:conditions => 'companies_count > 0') should also work now, so you don't have to do it using select. And companies_count is just a cache, invoking country.companies.count will still result in a DB query. Be aware also, that while counter cache is updated on create and destroy, it is not (curiously) updated when the record is changed (Address.country_id changes for some address record), so it might get out of sync in certain situations.