1. I have created a audio player in silverlight.
within that player user is able to select a portion of song to save as ringtone.
but i got the time duration from .. but I have to cut the partial portion of stream or audio stream and save it to the server dick.
Plz suggest me how I can convert the selected audio time duration into the stream or byte array..?
-- Additional information on this question: 2. I have created a ringtone audio player in silverlight. Within that user can select a portion which can be cut and save as a audio file.
I am unable to save the stream to the disk.. it is giving following errors:
Error 1. Attempt to access the method failed System IO FileInfo OpenWrite
Plz help
-- Additional information on this question: 3. What are the use of MediaStreamSample & MediaStreamSource class in silverlight with respect to MediaElement?
Will it help in cutting a portion of audio file in order to create the ringtone out of a song?