I was wondering if there are any available resources that describe how a browser's cursor executes Javascript.
I know it loads and executes tags when a page loads, and that you can attach functions to various window events, but where things get fuzzy is when, for instance, I retrieve a remote page via AJAX and put its contents into a div.
If that remote page has loads script libraries like <script src="anotherscript.js" />
, when is "anotherscript.js" loaded and its contents executed?
What happens if I included "anotherscript.js" on my current page, and then I load some remote content which has a duplicate include of this script? Does it overwrite the original one? What if the original "anotherscript.js" has a var in it whose value I altered, and then I reload that file... do I lose the original value or is the second inclusion of this script ignored?
If I load some procedural Javascript via AJAX, when is it executed? Immediately after I do mydiv.innerHTML(remoteContent)
? Or is it executed before that?