



We are encountering a strange problem with SQL Server 2005/2008 using the FOR XML with fragments of xml and namespaces. Here is the query in question.

'' as [xsi],
'' as [a]
 [@a:Source], [AddressCount], [ConsumerCount], [EmailCount], [PermissionCount]
, (
  FROM tbcExportBRC_Current xmlmaster
  FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('Consumers'), TYPE
FROM tbcExportBRCBatch_Current xmlroot
FOR XML PATH('Datafeed'), TYPE

The [Customer] field is an xml fragment. When I run this I get.

<Datafeed xmlns:a="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" a:Source="DSD">
  <Consumers xmlns:a="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns=""&gt;
      <ConsumerType xmlns="">Individual</ConsumerType>
      <FirstName xmlns="">STEVE</FirstName>
      <LastName xmlns="">SMITH</LastName>

If you notice the tag's children have xmlns="" in them. If we look at the fragment directly in the table it looks like this.


I can remove the default namespace


It removes the xmlns="" but we need to keep that in the file. Any ideas?

+3  A: 

The result is the correct one. In the table you have elements with no namespace, so when you add them under the Consumers element with the default namespace of xmlns="", the elements from the table must overwride the default namespace back to "".

That is exactly what you should see. Not having the xmlns="" would mean that the ConsumerType/FirstName/LastName elements are in the namespace "", which is false.

What you probably whant is to probably move the ConsumerType/FirstName/LastName elements into the "" namespace, to match the namespace of the parent Consumer element.

Remus Rusanu
It makes sense what you are saying. I editing my original post because I realized that the fragment I have in the Consumer column wasn't right. How can I specify what namespace it belongs too without putting a xmlns="" on each line?
Nathan Palmer
`<Consumers ... xmlns:c="" ...><c:Consumer>...</c:Consumer>...</Consumers>`
Remus Rusanu