




Slight bit of background: I'm a Delphi programmer re-learning C# (learned in school originally, haven't hardly touched until recently), and am trying to get some of my Delphi concepts transferred over.

The current situation is, I need to create an application that can use data from a variable list of similar data controls depending on location, need, etc. and in order to display that information in Delphi, I would simply use a scroll box and frames. The scroll box I can easily replace with the C# panel class, but I'm not finding anything I can use that will tell me how to create my frame class for use inside the panel. All I can find is some stuff for web development.

Can anyone point me in a good direction for learning the C# frame equivalent? Thanks.


For non-Delphi programmers, a frame is a form-like control that allows other controls (buttons, boxes, grids, etc) to be placed on it, then the frame gets used as a control itself on a form to reduce code-reuse as all frames do similar functionality and streamline development. For a (probably better) more in-depth description, see about.com's or Delphi Basics descriptions.


I'm not familiar with Delphi, but what you describe sounds a bit like a WPF FlowDocument, or one of the related controls.

Mark Seemann
FlowDocument isn't quite what I need. Will try to update question to better describe for non-Delphi users. Thanks Though.
+4  A: 

You need to create a custom control that extends the Panel class and then repeat that custom control.

Payton Byrd
+3  A: 


For non-Delphi programmers, a frame is a form-like control that allows other controls (buttons, boxes, grids, etc) to be placed on it, then the frame gets used as a control itself on a form to reduce code-reuse as all frames do similar functionality and streamline development. For a (probably better) more in-depth description, see about.com's or Delphi Basics descriptions.

Sounds like a User Control to me.

Here are some tutorials:



Yup, looks like the exact equivalent. Thanks.
+4  A: 

Having used both Delphi and .Net, I think a UserControl is the equivalent. It's a container that you can add controls to, and then add to other forms in the project.

Alan Clark

Any Panel provides the same functionality as Delphi's Frame (a composite containing other controls).

To encapsulate and reuse a panel with specific children, you need to write a custom class (custom control (as Payton mentioned) in WinForms or better yet a new Control in WPF).

I also programmed in Delphi many years ago and I highly recommend using WPF and not WinForms, especially if you are familiar with HTML or XML or you need to write dynamic or data oriented applications.

Danny Varod