




I am writing a paper using the ACM template which capitalizes every letter in the section title. I would like to escape a letter to make it lowercase, is this possible? I tried {p} as would be done to capitalize a letter in a bibliography with no luck.

+3  A: 

You can use the \lowercase{} command to force a letter to be lowercase, a la:

\showuc{Hello There} \\
\showuc{Hello \lowercase{T}here} \\
\showuc{Hello Th\lowercase{e}re}

If this isn't effective in conjunction with the ACM template command, could you post which ACM template and which command/environment you're using?

That did it thanks.
Bryan Ward
+1  A: 

Slightly off topic, but see if you can convince your SIG to change to the ACM SIGPLAN LaTeX class. It fixes a lot of things that are terribly broken in the horror that was foisted on ACM members some 10 years ago.

Norman Ramsey
+1  A: 
\uppercase{xx \lowercase{x} yy}
Alexey Malistov