




I'm trying to have some fun with fluxus, but its manual and online docs all seem to assume that the reader is already an expert network programmer who's never heard of Scheme before. Consequently, you get passages that try to explain the very basics of prefix notation, but assume that you know how to pipe sound-card data into the program, or setup and connect to an OSC process.

Is there any tutorial out there that goes the opposite way? IE, assumes that you already have a handle on the Lisp/Scheme thing, but need some pointers before you can properly set up sound sources or an OSC server?

Barring that, does anyone know how to get (for example) the system microphone to connect to (fluxus), or how to get it to play a sound file from disk?


I'm having exactly the same problem... Did you have any luck with that?

Sadly, no. I've shelved (fluxus) play for a while to work on other projects, and I never did find better documentation for it. I did stumble across (i)mpromptu http://impromptu.moso.com.au which seems to be a slightly easier-to-use alternative for OS X. The best solution to using (fluxus) to its full potential seems to be "become an expert network programmer". Network programming is useful enough these days that I'm still going to try, but it is sad that there isn't more support for live-coding dabblers.