



I'm working on learning ColdFusion (I may have an opportunity to get an internship at a company that develops exclusively in CF) and am looking for some good resources to get me started.

I'm definitely going to buy a book, but I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations.

Any non-book (i.e. websites) recommendations would be helpful as well, however I'm going to buy a book regardless.

I know it's a vague question, but I have a lot of experience with everything from markup languages like XHTML/CSS to high-level programming languages like C++ and Java (and javascript, which is an interpreted language), so I'm really looking for something that will cover as much of the following as possible:

  • intro. to the language's syntax
  • looping structures
  • database i/o
  • file i/o
  • language-specific stuff

I don't necessarily need a "reference book" as much as a primer book. I can use online resources for function references, etc. I just like to have a physical book that I can read without always having access to a computer.

+2  A: 

The CFWACK series will get you going:

Not sure if the series for CF9 is out yet.

CF9 version is on the way.
+7  A: 

The Adobe ColdFusion 8 Web Application Construction Kit is pretty much the "official" ColdFusion documentation. Volume 1 should give you the basics and there's volume 2 and 3 if you want to progress to more advanced concepts. The books are very thorough and give you a good idea of what's actually going on rather than saying "this is a loop, this is a variable etc".

R.e. websites, once you've learned the basics I would recommend Ben Nadel's blog where he regularly talks about all sorts of less common ColdFusion issues and pitfalls.

Those books are what I learned CF with, back in version 4. :) They are superb, and Ben Forta really knows his stuff.
This seems to be more what I was looking for and it's ridiculously cheap for a 600 page book (granted it's paperback).
Its prob the best book I have ever owned, and taught me so much. Cant recommend it enough.
Nadel offers some really useful information on his site. However, keep in mind that some of his examples are NSFW, there's a HUGE photo at the top of every page, and he doesn't offer a full RSS feed. Other than that I can echo the recommendation.
Al Everett
Oh, and the CFWACK books are pretty much a given in any CF veteran's library.
Al Everett
+1  A: 

Another awesome choice is the hard copy version of "Adobe ColdFusion 8: The full ColdFusion 8 documentation, a 6 volume, 3,000+ page reference set, is a must-have guide to installing, managing, and building Internet applications with ColdFusion 8 for every developer."

At only $50, it is a great value, and is often overlooked because of WACK.

You can find it here: Adobe - Adobe Store - North America

It is published by Adobe, so it could be considered more "official" then WACK.

The very best part about this documentation is the way the code examples are formatted; the "reviewing the code" sections take a line of code and describe what it's doing!

I'd take this over Wack any day (and I even bought all three volumes of Wack - expensive!)

Finally, I have my fingers crossed that they are going to publish this for CF9 soon!

Not really looking for a reference though... I'm looking more for a language walk-through/primer. Thanks for the response though...
+3  A: 

I completely agree with Loftx answer above.

I would also recommend Ray Camdens blog and the forums at adobe, when you get stuck with anything. The community there is quite helpful, as it is here also.

I would also strongly recommend having a look at the coldbox framework......

