



I am looking for a really simple database implementation; basically one with no complex parsing SQL engine. What I am looking for is something demonstrating B+ trees and ACID storage (Suitable for educational purposes). What I have found up-till now form my current searches was hamster-db. I am looking for something even simpler with a smaller code-base. If there is any such opensource project in your knowledge please let me know.


Why don't you create your own?


The University of Wisconsin Databases group uses their own small relational database, minirel, to teach the undergraduate databases class. I just took it, actually; it's enlightening. My semester's assignments are posted publicly. I'm sure the faculty would be willing to part with the source code used at each step.

In the undergraduate class, we do not implement B+ trees or ACID components, but it appears that the larger project does include them.

Andres Jaan Tack