Can you provide some sample code, where some RuntimeException is thrown?
It is difficult to answer your question properly, if you don't tell what your exact problem is.
As far as I could tell your from this point, your BootStrap.groovy should look something like this:
class BootStrap {
def exceptionHandler
def init = { servletContext ->
exceptionHandler.exceptionMappings =
[ 'NoSuchFlowExecutionException' :'/my/doIt',
'java.lang.Exception' : '/error',
'' : '/yourErrorController/yourErrorAction' ]
def destroy = { }
On the other side, in your code, you have to catch occuring RuntimeExceptions and transate them into your custom exception.
And here we are at the interesting point: Why do you want to do this?
Wouldn't it be much more comfortable to redirect when RuntimeExceptions are thrown?