



Hey guys, I was working on a simple chat program to brush up on my C#, and ran into a roadblock. I wanted to allow one computer to broadcast its location, and the other to find that computer, and display it (and any others) in a list.. Just a push in the right direction would be great, Thanks, Max


All you need is to share destination PC. and then run your web-based application on the target pc IIS.

Updated Part :

If you have awindows application and want users use that application youhave some solution

  1. create a Login form for your application
  2. use from MarshalByRef object and create a Channel between user andaplication
  3. create a MSI (setup) and run it from server (in entire Active Directory).this will install one application in each client
  4. create a simple dot net setup. justRight click onyour windowsproject in VS and then select Publich, in the wizard walk through creating a network application

I think the last option is closest one to your request

Nasser Hadjloo
This is a desktop app, not
@mazzzzz I've update my answer
Nasser Hadjloo

See Peer-to-Peer Programming with WCF and .NET Framework 3.5.

John Saunders
Very interesting read, but everything about discovering is vista only, I was looking for a solution that could work on XP also.Thanks though
@mazzzzz PRNP is supported on XP; the Advanced Networking Pack is available for XP SP1 and is included in SP2 and later.
According to, it requires IPv6
Richard Nienaber
+5  A: 

Mono.Zeroconf is a .NET library that provides common zeroconf opertations - service publish and discovery. It uses Apple's Bonjour for Windows as a transport on Windows.

Developers can publish services that will be exposed to other computers on the local network and also query the local machines on the network for services that could have been exposed.

Lachlan Roche
+1, cool framework.

Use AD (Active Directory)? Or some such [which would serve as] central messageboard mechanism - maybe even MSMQ?
