The advantage of a relational database is the ability to relate and index information. Most key-value systems don't provide that.
What you need to ask yourself is, does switching make sense for my intended use case?
You have kind of missed the point. The point is, you don't have an index. You don't have a centralized list of records, or the ability to relate it together in any easy way. What makes nosql key-value stores so quick is that you store and retrieve what you need in a name-based approach. You need that blurb on someone's profile page? Just go fetch it. No need to maintain a table with everything in it.
Not everything really needs to be tabular.
There's advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I use a mix of both. SQL for most, and something along the lines of CouchDB for random things that have no need to be clogging up an SQL table.
You can liken a key-value system to making an SQL table with two columns, a unique key and a value. This is quite fast. You have no need to do any relations or correlations or collation of data. Just find the value and return it.
You'll find this is also fast in SQL databases. I've used it in place of actual key-value systems.
I do not think scientific data is well suited to a nosql implementation.