



I'm trying to modify my EasyPHP to run in CGI mode.

According to this link: I have to add in this line: LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/EasyPHP 2.0b1/php5/php5apache2.dll" to httpd.conf

However, everytime I do that, EasyPHP gives me this error:

Error in Apache configuration file:

""apache.exe: syntax error on line 126 of ..../apache/conf/httpd.conf. API module structure 'php5_module' in the file C:..../php5/php5apache2.dll is garbled - perhaps this is not an APache module DSO?""

I've checked that the file php5apache2.dll exists and that it is correct in the config file. Does anybody know what could cause this problem or am I doing something wrong to change it to CGI mode instead of using the default APache handler?

+1  A: 

I believe that you may need to re-read the instructions:

Comment this line:

#LoadModule php5_module "c:/Php/php5apache2.dll"

And add 2 new lines:

ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"
Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe"

So it appears that the line you are adding actually needs to be commented out / removed. And you need to use these alternative directives in httpd.conf.

Noah Goodrich