I am extracting data from multiple tables. mt query is as follows:
SELECT p.Record_Num as RecordNum
,p.Project_Desc as ProjectDesc
,p.Proponent_Name as ProponentName
,st.Station_Name as StationName
,p.OpCentre as OpCentre
,s.Sector_Name as SectorName
,p.PLZone as PLZone
,f.Feeder_Desc as FeederDesc
,d.DxTx_Desc as DxTx
,op.Op_Control_Desc as OpControl
,t.Type_Desc as Type
,c.Conn_Desc as ConnectionKV
,ss.Status_Desc as Status
,p.MW as MW
,p.Subject as Subject
,p.Ip_Num as IpNum
,p.H1N_ID as H1NID
,p.NOMS_Slip_Num as NomsSlipNum
,p.NMS_Updated as NmsUpdated
,p.Received_Date as ReceivedDate
,p.Actual_IS_Date as ActualISDate
,p.Scheduled_IS_Date as ScheduledIsDate
,stst.Station_Name as UpStation
,ff.Feeder_Desc as UpFeeder
,p.HV_Circuit as HVCircuit
,p.SIA_Required as SIAReqd
FROM Project_Detail p,
Station st, Sector s, Feeder f, DxTx d, Operational_Control op, Type t,
Connection_Kv c, Status ss, Station stst, Feeder ff
p.Station_ID = st.Station_ID and
p.Sector_ID = s.Sector_ID and
p.Feeder = f.Feeder_ID and
p.DxTx_ID = d.DxTx_ID and
p.OpControl_ID = op.Op_Control_ID and
p.Type_ID= t.Type_ID and
p.ConnKV_ID = c.Conn_ID and
p.Status_ID = ss.Status_ID and
p.UP_Station_ID = stst.Station_ID and
p.UP_Feeder_ID = ff.Feeder_ID
The problem with this query is if it doesnot find an associated value in the second table, it doesnot show the row. for example : every project has feeders. so if a project_detail table has a feederid which doesnot have an association in the feeder table, then it wont show the row. also, there are times when the feeders are not assigned to a project.
i think i have to use outer joins to get the values. but i cannot figure out how to do that.
please help.