



I am looking for an introduction to Windows programming.

I already have some experience with .net-programming using C#, now I want an overview of the lower-level APIs of Windows.

Wikipedia has an article on this subject but, it is quite terse.

Is there a canonical book or web site for this kind of information?

+2  A: 

One word: Petzold.

Ernesto García
+3  A: 

Charles Petzold's Programming Windows is probably the definitive bible on the subject.

I had hoped for something less ``biblical''. Anyway, Petzold seems to be the way to go, so I'll have a look at it.
Jochen Walter
Just to be clear, "Programming Windows" is definitive for the GUI, but it doesn't touch many of the other aspects of systems programming on Windows: no process management API, no network API, no file system API. For those areas "Windows Internals" and "Windows Programming via C/C++" are better. Also check out "Windows System Programming" by Hart.
Charles E. Grant
+2  A: 

Windows Internals is also an excellent book for learning how Windows works, at least from a kernel developer / systems programming perspective. If you're interested in how the window manager / Win32 stuff works, Petzold is exhaustive but rather dry IMHO. Windows Programming via C/C++ is also a good book to read.

Paul Betts
Windows Internals looks very promising.
Jochen Walter