This says more about me at the time, than the software, but back in '92, I found the entire mac OS astonishing.
I needed to change the name of a file. I was completely command line driven back then, so here was my reasoning:
1) Deep in side the bowels of the machine, there are bits.
2) A file is represented by an Inode, which somehow has the name associated with it.
2a) I need to change the name associated with this Inode.
3) There will be code to do this.
3a) This code will probably be a program somewhere.
3b) This is a mac, so the code is either in the menu bar, or in the System Folder.
Needless to say, I spent 30-45 minutes searching the menus and the System Folder to no avail. I eventually went to the college help-desk person (A non-computer person, I'm sure) who said "If you click on the icon, you'll get a little 'I' cursor and ..." at which point my jaw dropped. The concept of changing the pixels on the screen would never have ocured to me. I knew TOO MUCH about computers to figure it out...