Don't ever create case-sensitive stuff, period. Ever. It is ultimately confusing and will force you to put them in quotes when you use them. You can be sure your stuff isn't case-sensitive by just not using double quotes at all. This is like a cardinal rule in Pg.
In short no you can't, but you can add to your search_path.
test=# create schema "ECARROLL";
test=# create table "ECARROLL".foo ( foobar int );
test=# select * from foo;
ERROR: relation "foo" does not exist
If you wish you can hard code your other schema: SET search_path TO "$user","ECARROLL",public;
You can script a query of the case-insensitive named schemas and set them in the scripts environment.
test=# SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name ILIKE current_user;