



I have a SharePoint Message Board named ConceptsGeneralInformation. It currently has two Disccusions in it, they are named GeneralDiscussion and SpecificDiscussion. While a user is viewing a Discussion I want to allow they to post a reply. To do so I am calling the AddDiscussionBoardItem method on WSS via CAML and JavaScript. AddDiscussionBoardItem expects that text of the post and the List name where the Discussion lives.

My problem is that I don't have the List name for the sub-folder, i.e., GeneralDiscussion, I only have the List name and GUID for the parent/root folder, ConceptsGeneralInformation.

Where can I find the List name and or GUID for the Folder that contains the Message Item?



I am writing a front end for SharePoint Message Boards in Silverlight. I am using the WSS via JavaScript (CAML, JQuery, HTML Bridge) to get and set data from the SharePoint lists.

So far I have everything plumbed except for replying to a post which is of type SharePoint Message.

I understand that the first post is a Discussion type which creates a folder in the SharePoint list and that every subsequent reply is of type Message which is contained in the folder...what I don't understand is how to reference that folder in the list or how to even find it!

And sorry, this is obviously not an answer but there was no other place to post a reply...weird.
