I have a map that shows location points based on the gbounds of the map. For example, any time the map is moved/zoomed, i find the bounds and query for locations that fall within those bounds. Unfortunately I'm unable to display all my locations when fully zoomed out. Reason being, gmaps reports the min/max long as whatever is at the edge of the map, but if you zoom out enough, you can get a longitudinal range that excludes visible locations.
For instance, if you zoom your map so that you see NorthAmerica twice, on the far left and far right. The min/max long are around: -36.5625 to 170.15625. But this almost completely excludes NorthAmerica which lies in the -180 to -60 range. Obviously this is bothersome as you can actually see the continent NorthAmerica (twice), but when I query my for locations in the range from google maps, NorthAmerica isn't returned.
My code for finding the min/max long is:
bounds = gmap.getBounds();
min_lat = bounds.getSouthWest().lat()
max_lat = bounds.getNorthEast().lat()
Has anyone encountered this and can anyone suggest a workaround? Off the top of my head I can only thing of a hack: to check the zoom level and hardcode the min/max lats to -180/180 if necessary, which is definitely unacceptable.