



consider the following code, which represents an attempt to implement partial matching. the intended result is a row for any 1 or more fields that match between the query entity and the data store.

so if you supply we want a match against that, if you supply and person.FirstName we should filter the results further, and so on.

        var results = from p in db.Persons
                      where p.CrookBookUserName.Trim().Contains(person.CrookBookUserName.Trim()) ||
                      p.FirstName.Trim().Contains(person.FirstName.Trim()) ||
                      p.LastName.Trim().Contains(person.LastName.Trim()) ||
                      select p;

        return results;

unfortunately, this code always returns all rows in the db. why, and what should be the fix?

thanks in advance.


Does person have all fields populated? A"") from an empty email address will return true for everything.

An extra (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(..)) && before each parameter, while verbose, will fix it if this is the problem.

Edit re comments:

Yeah, a helper method or something could help here... something like

public static bool ContainsIfNotEmptyTrimmed(this string source, string param)
    return !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Trim()) && source.Trim().Contains(param.Trim());

where p.CrookBookUserName.ContainsIfNotEmptyTrimmed(person.CrookBookUserName) || ...
a thousand thanks, this pointed the way to working code: i want the user to be able to supply as many of the fields as they know, AND a partial string of any number of those. it's verbose but i don't care. having said that, can a lamda expression fix the verbosity?
velvet sheen
this is the fixed code:var results = from p in db.Personswhere ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(person.CrookBookUserName)) return results;
velvet sheen
@user283989: Editted with a simple extension method. It's not really doing null checking correctly, but I'm sure you can figure that part out without much trouble if it's a problem. :)

You need to check if the user is providing empty strings.

var query = db.Persons;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.CrookBookUserName.Trim()) {
    query = query.Where(p => p.CrookBookUserName.Trim().Contains(person.CrookBookUserName.Trim()));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( {
    query = query.Where(p =>;
// etc...

return query;
Mark Byers
thanks for this: your reply reminds me that you can concatenate clauses in a query in this manner.
velvet sheen