




im tracking down a weird bug where a variable i have is being changed at some point, and this is where I found the problem:

echo "2. page is $page<br>";
$h = $page;
//Ok everything is done. Now need to update the view counter
$query = "UPDATE pages SET views=views+1 WHERE id=? LIMIT 1";
if($stmt = $db -> prepare($query))
    $stmt -> bind_param("i", $page);
    $stmt ->execute();
    $stmt ->close();
echo "3. page is $page<br>";
$page = $h;
echo "4. page is $page<br>";

So I am getting this:

2. page is page
3. page is 0
4. page is page

I just added in that $h variable to try and fix the problem and it worked. So for some reason the sql query is destrying my page variable. Does anyone know why this would happen?

+4  A: 

You bound it as an integer: $stmt->bind_param("i", $page);, but it was actually a string: "page".

bind_param binds a reference to the actual variable, not a copy of it, to the statement. So it must modify the variable, converting it to an integer to work as a bound integer parameter.

The integer value of "page" (in fact, of any string that contains no digits) is 0, so that's why you see it becoming 0.

Ben James
Related, one of the most annoying parts of php`<?php if (0 == 'page'){echo 'true';}else{echo 'false';} ?>`Sample run of the code:http://ideone.com/1CYzfhqu

$page is passed by reference in bind_param("i", $page); thus as others mentioned , PHP converted it to int and that's why it was destroyed
