


public interface IInterface1

public interface IInterface2

public class MyClass : IInterface1, IInterface2


ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>

var x = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IInterface1>();
var y = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IInterface2>();

I get two different MyClass instances with the above code. How can I get one?


An ObjectFactory is intended to create multiple instances. If you want a singleton, write a singleton class (perhaps with public IInterface1 and IInterface2 properties as accessors).

It seems sketchily documented, but perhaps you can use a Container instead.

Pontus Gagge
The container (either ObjectFactory or a manually created Container) can handle the object lifecycle for you - no need to implement singleton behavior yourself.
Joshua Flanagan
+1  A: 

Try looking at the different overloads to Use, especially Func overload. From there you can tell how StructureMap should create your instance with another object already registred.

Kenny Eliasson
+2  A: 

I would register the MyClass itself and then pull that out of the context for the Use statements of the individual interfaces.


For<IInterface1>().Use(ctx => ctx.GetInstance<MyClass>());
For<IInterface2>().Use(ctx => ctx.GetInstance<MyClass>());
Chris Marisic
+2  A: 

You can use the Forward<,>() registration to tell StructureMap to resolve a type using the resolution of a different type. This should do what you expect:

ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
    x.Forward<IInterface1, IInterface2>();
Joshua Flanagan
aaaawesome. exactly what I was looking for. thank you