i would go through the text and count the number of your nubmers.
after that i would redim an dynamic array.
- go throught the text from beginning to end, and store them in the array.
after that i would pick the first number, go through the array and count (for example in tmpcounter) the number of dublicates. [you could store the counted number from the textfile in tmphit]
the you pick the second number, count the number of dublicates ( tmpcounter2 /tmphit2)
compare the two counters,you "keep" the higher one and use the lowe one for the next number
...go on until the last field is validated.
at the end you know which number appearse most and how often.
i hope this help you.
this is how i would programm it, maybe there is a better way or an API.
at the end you know