I have created a rudimentary EasterEgg within my code to activate when the following keystrokes are made (not simultaneously) Enter + c + o + l + o + r + s
with the following code:
isEnter = 0; isC = 0; isO = 0; isL = 0; isR = 0; isS = 0;
if(e.which==13) isEnter = 1; if(e.which==67) isC = 1; if(e.which==79) isO = 1;
if(e.which==76) isL = 1; if(e.which==82) isR = 1; if(e.which==83) isS = 1;
function ColorMap(){
if(isEnter==1 && isC==1 && isO==1 && isL==1 && isR==1 && isS==1){
isEnter = 0; isC = 0; isO = 0; isL = 0; isR = 0; isS = 0; //SET VARS BACK TO 0
I need to add reset functionality to the keydown function to reset all variables if something other than those keys are pressed... that way they have to press Enter + c + o + l + o + r + s
or the statement gets reset and they have to start again...(this will make the 'EasterEgg' harder to get to [or at least less likely to get to by fluke or random keystrokes]).