



I've got a chunk of text in a StringBuilder object. I need to replace one substring with another. The StringBuilder Replace method can do this, but it replaces every instance of the substring and I only want to replace the first found instance. Is there a way to tell StringBuilder to only do one replace?

I'm sure I could code this up myself, I'm just wondering if there is a built in way to achieve this that I am currently missing.

+3  A: 

Yes, but not directly. Two of the four overloads of Replace work on a substring of the StringBuilder contents, but you'll need to find the position of the first occurrence for that to work.

Here's the one you want:

Edit: Unfortunately, I don't see a way to find the first occurrence without calling ToString on the StringBuilder.

(Sorry for the VB, I have a VB project open.)

Dim orig As String = "abcdefgabcdefg"
Dim search As String = "d"
Dim replace As String = "ZZZ"
Dim sb As New StringBuilder(orig)

Dim firstOccurrence = sb.ToString().IndexOf(search)

If firstOccurrence > -1 Then
    sb.Replace(search, replace, firstOccurrence, search.Length)
End If
Jon Seigel
That won't work simply if you don't know where in the string the first instance is.
Dan Puzey
@Dan: Updated, please read again.
Jon Seigel

If you know the location of the substring you want to replace (maybe by using IndexOf) you can use the overload of StringBuilder's replace.

public StringBuilder Replace(char oldChar,char newChar,int startIndex,int count);
One of challenges with this approach is that StringBuilder doesn't have it's own IndexOf method.
+1  A: 

This is different way of doing this, but works fine

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("OldStringOldWay");

        int index = sb.ToString().IndexOf("New");           

        sb.Remove(index, "Old".Length);
        sb.Insert(index, "New");

Another way could be using Extension Method

public static StringBuilder ReplaceOnce
             (this StringBuilder sb, string toReplace, string replaceWith)
       int index = sb.ToString().IndexOf("New");
       sb.Remove(index, "Old".Length);
       sb.Insert(index, "New");
       return sb;

And call ReplaceOnce as follows

static void Main(string[] args)
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("OldStringOldWay");
   sb.ReplaceOnce("Old", "New");
Asad Butt
If I have to make several of these replacements in quick succession, is there a more efficient way to find the start stringToReplace than to create a new String object from the StringBuilder?