



I have a empty table that I would like to populate based on data entered on the same page.

Example. User enter Name, DOB. Click Add. Table with Name and DOB column has +1 row. And additions can be made as many times as the user choose.

<table width= "100%">
            <th colspan="3">Owners Already Added</th>

<table id="Owner">
            <th colspan="2">Owner</th>
            <td><input id="txtName" type="text" /></td>
            <td><input id="txtDOB" type="text" /></td>
+2  A: 

In the first table, add an id of 'DisplayTable' and change your columns to have class="name" and class="dob" respectively.

The jquery to do this is as follows:

var $tr = $('#DisplayTable tr:last');
Keith Rousseau
That code doesn't add row to table.
That is what I would like to do. Is this answer a bit off, or should I go ahead and see what I can do?
You're right - the code doesn't add a new row. I took the assumption that we already had the row that we wanted to edit.
Keith Rousseau
Thank you for putting me in the correct direction... Thanks!!!

JQuery might be your friend here. See this question as it resembles what you are trying to do.

You might also need to do a post to the server to persist your data. See jQuery post for help

+3  A: 

Just to complete Keith Rousseau's answer (added code to add new row):

<table id="displayTable">
        <td>Date of birth</td>
<table id="Owner">
        <th colspan="2">
            <input id="txtName" type="text" />
            Date of birth
            <input id="txtDOB" type="text" />
<button onclick="addNewRow();">Add</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function addNewRow() {
        $('#displayTable tr:last').after('<tr><td class="name"></td><td class="dob"></td></tr>');
        var $tr = $('#displayTable tr:last');
YESS!!! Thank you!!!

Well, since it is jQuery, and a table of sorts, you might look into a plug-in such as jqGrid which we have used with sucess.

See the link here: jqGrid

They have examples doing what you describe either in-line in the table, or in a modal dialog, lots of options here.

Mark Schultheiss