To get the children nodes use "obj.childNodes", that returns a collection object;
To get the first child, use "list[0]", that returns a node.
So the complete code should be:
var div = document.getElementById('header-inner');
var divTitleWrapper = div.childNodes[0];
var h1 = divTitleWrapper.childNodes[0];
If you want to iterate over all the children, comparing if they are of class 'title', you can iterate using a for loop and the className attribute.
The code should be:
var h1 = null;
var nodeList = divTitleWrapper.childNodes;
for (i =0;i < nodeList.length;i++){
var node = nodeList[i];
if(node.className == 'title' && node.tagName == 'H1'){
h1 = node;