I'm looking for a way to convert XQuery expressions into XQueryX (an XML syntax for XQuery). Does anyone know of any implementation -- say in Python or Java?
http://www.w3.org/2007/01/applets/xqueryApplet.html is an interactive applet-based page that allows you to translate arbitrary XQuery expressions to XQueryX. the parsing code has been generated from the XQuery grammar and is available as JavaCC/JJTree files from that page, which means that some building is required to turn that into an executable.
2010-03-03 00:32:31
When I posed the same question on vark.com, I got a reference to XQ2XQX: XQuery to XQueryX, a section on how to use a stylesheet (xq2xqx.xsl) to do the conversion.
Raymond Yee
2010-03-05 14:04:01