What is the best approach to storing a group of global settings for a custom PHP application? I am working on a personal project (first major one really), and need a method of storing key-value pairs for recording overall settings for the application.
Things to store as...
- Website's Global Name.
- Theme (just a variable, or path to theme)
- etc
Should I just keep them in one table? If so what is the best way to query them from a boostrap? Besides doing a single query for each desired setting.
UPDATE: Yes a .ini or parsing an include file would be nice, and I know how to do it that way. But I wanted to know what would be the best approach to storing them in MySQL with everything else.
UPDATE2: The reason I ask this also is I plan for a lot of these settings to be changeable through the Administrator interface. So if you were to change the Title of the site, it would be updated right away, which I figured would be best to do through SQL, thus needing setting inside the DB.