



Hello there,

I am currently developing an opensocial gadget and got some troubles with creating an activity notice.

After submitting a form I want a new activity to show up for my friends/contacts using this function of mine:

function create_activity() {
  console.log("invoke create activity");
  var data = {};
  data[opensocial.Activity.Field.TITLE_ID] = "EXAMPLE_SUBMITTED";
  var activity = opensocial.newActivity(data);
  opensocial.requestCreateActivity(activity, opensocial.CreateActivityPriority.HIGH, function() { console.log("activity created"); });

The used messagebundle looks like this

  <msg name="EXAMPLE_SUBMITTED">
    ${Subject} is awesome ;)

And as console output after submitting I get:

> invoke create activity
> activity created

But the contacts of the subject do not see the recently created activity. Do you have any ideas or experiences to share with me?

Thanks a lot and greetings,
