



Here is what I got so far. Please read the comment in the code. It contains my questions.

var customer;   //global variable
function getCustomerOption(ddId){
      $.getJSON("http://localhost:8080/WebApps/DDListJASON?dd="+ddId, function(opts) {
           $('>option', dd).remove(); // Remove all the previous option of the drop down
                customer = jQuery.parseJSON(opts); //Attempt to parse the JSON Object.

function getFacilityOption(){
      //How do I display the value of "customer" here. If I use alert(customer), I got null

Here is what my json object should look like: {"3":"Stanley Furniture","2":"Shaw","1":"First Quality"}. What I ultimately want is that, if I pass in key 3, I want to get Stanley Furniture back, and if I pass in Stanley Furniture, I got a 3 back. Since 3 is the customerId and Stanley Furniture is customerName in my database.

+1  A: 

getJSON will fire an asynchronous XHR request. Since it's asynchronous there is no telling when it will complete, and that's why you pass a callback to getJSON -- so that jQuery can let you know when it's done. So, the variable customer is only assigned once the request has completed, and not a moment before.

parseJSON returns a JavaScript object:

var parsed = jQuery.parseJSON('{"foo":"bar"}');
alert(; // => alerts "bar"

.. but, as BalusC has said, you don't need to parse anything since jQuery does that for you and then passes the resulting JS object to your callback function.

+2  A: 

If the servlet already returns JSON (as the URL seem to suggest), you don't need to parse it in jQuery's $.getJSON() function, but just handle it as JSON. Get rid of that jQuery.parseJSON(). It would make things potentially more worse. The getFacilityOption() function should be used as callback function of $.getJSON() or you need to write its logic in the function(opts) (which is actually the current callback function).

A JSON string of

{"3":"Stanley Furniture","2":"Shaw","1":"First Quality"}

...would return "Stanley Furniture" when accessed as follows

var json = {"3":"Stanley Furniture","2":"Shaw","1":"First Quality"};
// or
var key = '3';

To learn more about JSON, I strongly recommend to go through this article. To learn more about $.getJSON, check its documentation.

What? JSON is a string representation of JavaScript objects, so it *does* need parsing if you want to access it as a regular object...
The `$.getJSON` already does that.
Ah, good point.
Srry that it took a while to return back to you. I just want to make sure that I read the article that you sent me completely, plus school is pretty crazy around midterm time. However, I after reading it, I think I solve my problem. Thank you very. :)
Harry Pham
+1  A: 
var customer;   //global variable
function getCustomerOption(ddId){
      $.getJSON("http://localhost:8080/WebApps/DDListJASON?dd="+ddId, function(opts) {
           $('>option', dd).remove(); // Remove all the previous option of the drop down
                customer = opts; //Attempt to parse the JSON Object.

function getFacilityOption(){
  for(key in costumer)
    alert(key + ':' + costumer[key]);   
I dont think your code work. Sorry. it return [object Object]. :( :(
Harry Pham
Sorry for that... Try now with for() loop
thank you very much for updating the correct code. :) I update the rating :)
Harry Pham