I'm looking for a fast, embeddable key/value store with cursor semantics over key collections (or a simple embeddable DB) that I can use in .NET and mono. Need it to be open-source, would prefer an MIT or Apache style license over a GPL license. Not opposed to a library that needs bindings to be written, as long as binaries are available for both windows and linux.
Options considered:
- SQLite - has bindings and native implementation, but single-threaded and not all that fast
- Embedded InnoDB - no .NET bindings i can find and it's GPLv2
- Berkley DB - no .NET bindings i can find
- Tokyo Cabinet - no .NET bindings i can find and problematic to build on windows
- MadCow Memory-mapped data structures - GPLv2
Is there an option better than the above that i'm missing, or bindings for the above i don't know about?
UPDATE: Used Oracle's official BDB bindings with 4.8 and 5.0 but couldn't get them working under mono. Also had some other issues (C# drivers for BDB are still immature). Wrote a BitCask inspired K/V store called Firkin ( http://github.com/sdether/Firkin ) store and using that now instead.