



I'm loading content via an AJAX call into a table row added to the DOM on the fly. I'm calling the datepicker functionality in my callback function and the calendar shows fine. However, when I click on the date, I get an error: inst is null. Here's my code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".edit").live("click", function() {
        //Delete previously loaded edit row

        //Get the record id of the row to be edited
        var recordID = $(this).parent("td").parent("tr").attr("id");

        //Add the new row to the document
        $(this).parent("td").parent("tr").after("<tr id=\"tempEditRow\"><td id=\"tempEditCell\" colspan=\"100\"></td></tr>")

        //Get a reference to the new row
        var container = $("#tempEditCell");

        //Populate the container
        populateContainer("/wpm/includes/ajax_editApplication.cfm?id=" + recordID, container);

function populateContainer(ajaxUrl, container) {
    //Populate the container
        url: ajaxUrl,
        cache: false,
        success: function(html){

I've tried deleting the hasDatepicker class, deleting any references to the datepicker, etc. but nothing is working. Thanks in advance for helping!


Try calling datepicker('destroy') as part of wiping out the previous row (do it before your remove() call).

$("#tempEditRow .datepicker").datepicker('destroy');
James Koch
Thanks James. The requirements changed and the date field came out of the layout, so I can't confirm that this will resolve the issue. Hopefully this helps someone else though.
+1  A: 

I had the same error, which was because I had two datepickers input fields with the same id, one setup during runtime and the other through ajax. Gave them a unique id and it all worked

This was the issue... I had duplicate IDs in the page, same situation with one loaded at runtime, the other through ajax.
glad you got it sorted