



Hi, I am using a xml file as an embedded resource to load an XDocument. We are using the following code to get the appropriate file from the Assembly:

XDocument xd = new XDocument();
Assembly assembly = null;

    assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
catch(Exception ex)
    //Write exception to server event log

    if(assembly != null)
        using(StreamReader sr = new 
            using(XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader(sr))
                xd = XDocument.Load(xtr);
catch(Exception ex)
    //Write exception to server event log

So when the code is deployed, we occasionally will go to the page and nothing will be loaded from the embedded document. When we check the event log, there is no error. If the user just refreshes the page, it'll load fine. This has lead me to think that, for some reason, assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); is ocassionally returning null, and the way the code is written this isn't an error. So, my question is why would Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); be returning null? I found a couple articles talking about there being errors sometimes with unmanaged code, but this application is written in C# and deployed via setup project.

The code was originally written without error avoidance code. It was added to keep the users from getting error screens. The exceptions are written to the event log of the server.

+1  A: 

You are up the creek with the wrong paddle, GetExecutingAssembly() never returns null. Proof it to yourself by removing all the error avoidance code, including the null check. Getting occasional failure is usually a threading issue.

Hans Passant
I believe that's "up the creek without a paddle." :P
Getting that wrong was quite intentional :)
Hans Passant
+1  A: 

When faced with a situation like this I try to really prove that the value returned was null. Try this:

    assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    Log.Write("Executing assembly is null: " + (assembly == null))
catch(Exception ex)
    //Write exception to server event log

I suspect it will always write "false", and something else is actually the problem - perhaps something you didn't include in your code snippet.

+3  A: 

This is a perfect example of why it's an almost universally bad idea to eat exceptions, especially the top-level System.Exception. The problem could be anywhere; more likely than not, the real problem is in your logging code.

Take out those empty catch blocks (or rethrow inside them with throw;) and see where the exception is really occurring. And once you find the real problem and rewrite your code, rewrite it to catch only exceptions that you actually know how to handle.

GetExecutingAssembly will not return null, period.


This could be one of the reasons -